Thursday, August 27, 2020

CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY - Assignment Example For improvement of poise, one must have parental connection and is influenced by the child rearing techniques and oversight utilized to bring a person. Connection that helps in poise is with the family. One needs to frame convictions in law and family connection, duty with normal practices and organizations and inclusion in social exercises (Bouffard and Rice, 2011). As indicated by Social control hypothesis/social holding hypothesis, with the assistance of wrongdoing, we can fulfill our needs snappier when contrasted with ordinary conduct. For controlling reprobate conduct, we should have social bond that is made by â€Å"emotional connection to guardians, peers and ordinary foundations, for example, the school; promise to long haul instructive, word related, or other customary objectives; contribution in regular exercises, for example, work, schoolwork and diversions, and confidence in the ethical legitimacy of law† (Costello and Vowell, 1999, p. 817) Social learning hypothesis can be characterized as a hypothesis as indicated by which, an individual learns through perception or direct preparing. At the point when an individual learns progressively positive meanings of criminal conduct and more positive meanings of wrongdoing, he will portray criminal conduct. Since as indicated by his comprehension and comprehension, wrongdoing is certain. Those having reprobate friends themselves show wrongdoing (Costello and Vowell, 1999). Youngsters will in general seem reprobate dependent on impersonation, learning constructive or antagonistic meanings of law damaging conduct and the information about remunerations and disciplines appended to overstepping of law (Neff and Waite, 2007). Agnew’s general strain hypothesis expresses that any sort of strain can bring about discouraging feelings that can prompt outcomes including wrongdoing. Strains are there in view of powerlessness to achieve esteemed goals, for example, financial achievement, instructive

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research Proposal related to crime and prisoners issues

Identified with wrongdoing and detainees issues - Research Proposal Example The appeal for jail space has prompted a generally high populace, notwithstanding the way that the country intends to develop new jail beds. This examination will concentrate on jail stuffing in the United States of America. Inmates’ information throughout the years will be concentrated cautiously, as this is a worry because of the expanded number as days cruise by. Also, the expense of a prisoner will be dissected, just as a decision to include new offices. One specific jail will be chosen, whereby the prisoners and watchmen will be the examination populace. This paper will talk about fundamentally how subsidizing is an essential job in congestion and its effect on the jail framework. Jail stuffing impacts all criminal equity organizations. As indicated by measurements, perhaps the biggest jail in the nation is packed and each one out of 99.1 grown-ups is right now in jail. The age long development of inmates’ populace isn't a result of developing crime percentages, ho wever of changes in condemning approach. The soar populace of American detainment facilities seriously strains the criminal equity framework strategically and monetarily. Jail packing has in excess of a couple of negative impacts upon prisoners. Studies have uncovered that jail packing prompts rivalry for constrained assets, higher sickness rates, expanded recidivism, higher self destruction rates, and hostility. What's more, the packed conditions are debasing and dehumanizing for the prisoners, this is garbled to the contemporary restorative changes, which demand amplifying the chances to detainees. There are a few different ways to decrease jail stuffing, increasingly far reaching elective is house capture and network administration, which are options in contrast to detainment, and new jail structures. In the year 1980, the quantity of prisoners was approximately 500,000. In the year 2006, the quantity of prisoners was 2,245,189. Right now, this

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed But the Guy Beside Me Is Applying!

Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed But the Guy Beside Me Is Applying! You look around your office and think to yourself: “I wish my coworker were not applying to the same school as I am. They can’t take two people who sit at the same desk. Also, his GPA is 0.15 higher.” On the surface, this reasoning seems logical, and it can thus be the cause of anxiety for some candidatesâ€"especially for those who are in positions for which an MBA is virtually a “must have” to move forward, such as in consulting and banking. Howeverâ€"not to worryâ€"this thinking has two significant flaws: You are not the same candidate as the person at the desk beside you. He/she may have similar work experience, but you have had different interactions with team members and clients and have worked on different projects. So, you have different perspectives on your experiences and so do your recommenders. Furthermore, your work experience is only one piece of the puzzle that is your application. Even if your coworker does have a slightly higher GPA or GMAT score, you are still quite different in terms of your personal/life experiences, community/leadership activities, ability to perform during interviews, and more. Instead of worrying that the admissions committee will make an apples-to-apples comparison and cast you out, you must focus on what makes you distinct and present your best self. The top schools have room for two great candidates. When we asked Harvard Business School’s (HBS’s) director of MBA admissions and financial aid, Dee Leopold, whether she would accept two candidates who had worked at the same company, she quipped, “We have room for Larry and Sergei (referencing the two founders of Google).” An mbaMission consultant recalled that when she was at HBS, she had two classmates who worked on the same desk at the same private equity firm. At HBS, they ended up in the same section. Top MBA programs do not have quotas for certain firms, towns, ethnicities, etc. They just want the best candidates out there. So, in short, as you eye that individual across the desk, try to avoid simplified comparisons. Focus on that which makes you distinct, and expect that the admissions committees will not fulfill quotas, but rather identify talent. Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed But the Guy Beside Me Is Applying! You look around your office and think to yourself: “I wish my coworker were not applying to the same school as I am. They can’t take two people who sit at the same desk. Also, his GPA is 0.15 higher!” On the surface, this reasoning may seem logical, and it can thus cause anxiety for some candidatesâ€"especially for those who are in positions for which an MBA is virtually a “must have” to move forward, such as in consulting and banking. Howeverâ€"not to worryâ€"this thinking has two significant flaws: You are not the same candidate as the person at the desk beside you. He/she may have similar work experience, but you have had different interactions with team members and clients and have worked on different projects. So, you have different perspectives on your experiences and so do your recommenders. Furthermore, your work experience is only one piece of the puzzle that is your application. Even if your coworker does have a slightly higher GPA or GMAT score, you are still quite different in terms of your personal/life experiences, community/leadership activities, ability to perform during interviews, and more. Instead of worrying that the admissions committee will make an apples-to-apples comparison and cast you out, you must focus on what makes you distinct and present your best self. The top schools have room for two great candidates. When we asked Harvard Business School’s (HBS’s) former director of whether she would accept two candidates who had worked at the same company, she quipped, “We have room for Larry and Sergei (referencing the two founders of Google).” An mbaMission consultant recalled that when she was at HBS, she had two classmates who worked on the same desk at the same private equity firm. At HBS, they ended up in the same section. Top MBA programs do not have quotas for certain firms, towns, ethnicities, etc. They just want the best candidates out there. So, in short, as you eye that individual across the desk, try to avoid simplified comparisons. Focus on that which makes you distinct, and expect that the admissions committees will not fulfill quotas, but rather identify talent. Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed

Monday, May 25, 2020

Affirmative Action And Its Effect On Minority Minorities...

Affirmative action is described in sociology as, policies and programs that aim to avoid discrimination and redress past discrimination through the active recruitment of qualified minorities for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. (i.e. Exp. Soc., pg 280). In other words, the law was put in place as an attempt to create pluralism in the United States structure of opportunity. When describing affirmative action, the generalized assumption is individuals being handed opportunities based only on their ethnicity. Whether or not that opinion rings through to the majority, consider the events that lead to the enactment of affirmative action in the first place. The structure of opportunity in the United States has always been a biased and unfair in its distribution of opportunities. Since the beginning, the structure of opportunity has always been in favor of whiter, and ultimately wealthier Americans. Segregation, discrimination, and complete disregard for people of different ethnicity and color made it as such. People of color were seen as an inferior, and ultimately poorer group of people than people who were white. In earlier time, a metaphorical â€Å"glass ceiling† held back student of different ethnicity from becoming more educated. The â€Å"glass ceiling† that held them back for so long was the structure of opportunity being as biased as it is. In essence, the economic conditions, culture, and other aspects of certain people had an impact on how they lived in society.Show MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Is Important For Society1649 Words   |  7 Pages Affirmative action Affirmative action is an attempt to address past discriminatory injustices which may be based on gender, race or ethnicity. Affirmative action may take the form of policies and programs which are mostly mandated by governments and designed to bring changes in organizations, companies and educational institutions. Affirmative action is a vital tool which provides qualified people with equal access to educational or professional opportunities that they would otherwise have beenRead More Affirmative Action - We Should Not Forget Americas Racist Past1486 Words   |  6 PagesAffirmative Action - We Should Not Forget Americas Racist Past Affirmative Action has become of the most controversial social policy issues to be discussed in recent years. It is controversial because it challenges fundamental American beliefs. As Seymour Martin Lipset put it: Affirmative Action policies have forced a sharp confrontation between two core American values: equality and individualism.(Dudley7) This values oriented approach, which pervades popular discussion and derives fromRead MoreEqual Employment Opportunity ( Eeo ), Affirmative Action And Diversity Initiatives Essay996 Words   |  4 PagesEqual Employment Opportunity (EEO), Affirmative Action and Diversity initiatives are three different concepts. However, they do have an inter-relation between them. Affirmative Action plans are initiated by the federal government. This programme ensures equal opportunities for employment and opportunities for self-development at workplace. It provides opportunities to qualified individuals who have been denied such opportunities in the past o n some kind of discrimination. Primarily, it is a quotaRead MoreAffirmative Action : The Case For Abolition1638 Words   |  7 PagesAffirmative Action: The Case for Abolishment America is founded on the belief that all citizens are free to pursue their ambitions regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin. Yet, for the last fifty years, Affirmative Action has created an educational and work environment less focused on equality and more focused on ethnicity. There is no benefit for the United States to enforce Affirmative Action for minorities in educational and employment opportunities and equal treatment, because itRead MoreRace Based Affirmative Action On Higher Education Essay1445 Words   |  6 PagesRace-Based Affirmative Action in Higher Education In 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, or CEEO. One purpose of the CEEO was to â€Å"recommend additional affirmative steps which should be taken by executive departments and agencies to realize more fully the national policy of nondiscrimination† (Kennedy). This executive order planted the seeds that grew into what is today known as â€Å"race-based affirmative action,† or theRead MoreAn Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It?1706 Words   |  7 PagesEthical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? Abstract This paper discusses the importance of affirmative action in today’s society and the ethical role it plays when Employers and Universities are considering entry to their respected places of establishment. The paper will conclude with what America will face in the future in terms of affirmative action. An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still NeedRead MoreGap Analysis Global Communication1048 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: Affirmative Action Paper Affirmative Action Paper Monekia English Employment Law/MGT434 April 3, 2010 Jonathan Warren Introduction This paper will touch basis on how affirmative action works in the work world in this day and time. It will also clear up how employers are to subject to affirmative action plans and why would employers need these plans. This paper will also touch basis on what do these particular plans require employers to do. The last topic in the paperRead MoreDifferences Between Equal Employment Opportunity Initiatives, Affirmative Action Initiatives and Diversity Initiatives in Organizations1120 Words   |  5 PagesEqual Employment Opportunity initiatives, Affirmative Action initiatives and Diversity initiatives in organizations Tim Piper Issues in Human Resources Management – MBA 910 February 14, 2012 To best understand how affirmative action (AA), equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity work together, I will take a look at each of them and how they interact with each other and also explore the differences of the three initiatives . First Equal employment opportunity is the policy ofRead MoreAffirmative Action : The Land Of Opportunity1872 Words   |  8 PagesFinal Paper â€Å"Affirmative Action Is Here To Stay† Carlton Nash Soc 212-02 Fall 2015 12/14/15 Professor Doucot America is known as the land of opportunity, where one could achieve anything they put their mind to, no matter who they are. Thousands of people from all over, migrate to the United States every year so that they can have access to opportunities they never had before. This is well known as, the American dream†. Affirmative action has helped minorities to try andRead MoreOrganizational Diversity Processes1075 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity Processes I. Women and Minorities in Today’s Organizations * Glass ceiling – is a concept popularized in the 1980s to describe a barrier so subtle that is transparent, yet so strong that it prevents women and minorities from moving up in the management hierarchy (Morrison and Von Glinow) * The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that â€Å"color discrimination in employment seems to be on the rise†. Recent studies have found that black job applicants with lighter skin were

Thursday, May 14, 2020

French Pronunciation of the Double L

In French, the double L is sometimes pronounced like an L  and other times like a Y. How do you know when to pronounce it each way? This lesson explains the general rules and the inevitable exceptions. Rules for Pronouncing LL As a general rule, the double L after A, E, O, U, and Y is pronounced like an L: une balle, elle, mollement, une idylle, etc. If there are exceptions to this, Ive never found them. In words with I followed by LL, the rules are a bit more complicated. The double L is always pronounced like a Y in letter combinations with vowel ILL: aill (e.g., taille)eill (oreille)euill (feuille)Å“ill (Å“illet)ouill (grenouille)ueill (cueillir)uill (juillet) And LL is pronounced like a Y in words such as fille, la Bastille, Millau, and chantilly. However, there  are also many words in which the double L is pronounced like an L (follow links to hear the words pronounced). This is the complete list: un bacille  - germ, bacillusbillevesà ©es - nonsenseun billion - trillioncapillaire - capillaryun codicille - codicildistiller - to distillune fibrille - small fiber (fibrillaire, fibrillation)*un krill - krillLille - town in northern Francelilliputien - Liliputianmille - thousand (un millà ©nium, millier, etc.)un mille - mile (le millage)milli- (prefix)un milliard - billion (un milliardaire, le milliardià ¨me, etc.)un million - million (un millionaire, le millionià ¨me, etc.)osciller - to oscillate, swingun/e pupille* - ward of the stateune pupille* - pupilune scille - scillaune spongille - spongillatranquille - calm, tranquilun verticille - verticilun vexille - vexillumune ville - town (une villa, un village, etc.)une zorille - zorilla The (parentheses) indicate derivations which are also pronounced like an L. *These words may be pronounced either way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Statement C Participation - 1418 Words

Highlight your 4-H participation. I like to say that I have been involved in 4-H since before I was allowed to be involved. Being the youngest in my family, I was always tagging along to 4-H events that my older sisters were in. Therefore, our clover kids’ leader, Michelle Hassebrock, let me participate with the clover kids about 2 years before I was even old enough to officially become a clover kid. That is where my journey in 4-H as a member of the Howard Happy Helpers officially began. From there, I was involved in 4-H all the way through my senior year of high school. My participation included holding multiple officer positions like; photographer for one year, historian for two years, treasurer for two years, and president for three†¦show more content†¦When you’re a member in 4-H you get to, and are sometimes forced to, become interactive and build friendships. I say forced to, because I can remember countless times where other members would just come up a nd start getting to know me at the county fair. This is one of the reasons 4-H has had a great impact on me individually; it gave me the opportunity to develop new friendships and build life-long connections. It also encouraged me to become a leader. As I got involved in my 4-H club, I envied to older members that were always officers. I told myself at a very young age that someday I wanted to be just like them; up in front, leading our club. Obviously, I tackled that dream and held many offices, including president, multiple times. These opportunities really strengthened me on an individual level. One simple example of this, was during my senior year of high school, where I was elected senior football captain. Looking back, that shy little clover kid, that I once was, would have never been qualified to be a senior football captain. However, 4-H taught me the meaning of hard work, teamwork, and overall just how to become a better person; specifically in the areas of leadership and c itizenship. Explain how your 4-H experiences have helped you in your first year or two of college. Leaving high school and going to college can be a very difficult time for many students. You literally leave almost all your friends thatShow MoreRelatedWeek 6 hmwrk tax management1065 Words   |  5 PagesWeek 5 : C Corporations Concluded - Homework ES Page 1 1. (TCO E) For federal tax purposes, royalty income that is not derived in the ordinary course of a business is classified as: (Points : 5) portfolio income. answer active income. passive income. None of the above 2. (TCO F) When comparing corporate and individual taxation, the following statement is true: (Points : 5) Unlike individual taxpayer, corporate may not have a long-term capital loss carryforwardRead MorePolitics and Dynamics of Public Budgeting: Study Notes1155 Words   |  5 Pagesto issues or words in order to help campaign consultants package candidates are called The correct answer is: focus groups. 3. Which of the following statements is true about pollution in Texas? a. Texas emits more greenhouse gases than any other state in the nation. b. Texas emits more carbon dioxide than the next two biggest polluters. c. If Texas was an independent nation, it would be the seventh-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. d. The states emissions have loaded lakesRead MoreThe Impact Of Service Learning On Residency Interviews1547 Words   |  7 Pagesresidency personal statements. The aim of the study is to investigate how a narrative focused on the benefits of service learning in residency personal statements influence the resident selection process. METHODS Senior medical students completed a voluntary, confidential on-line survey to measure perceived influence of service learning on residency interviews. Student also uploaded their residency personal statements as part of the survey. Content analysis was conducted on the personal statements toRead MoreThe War of the Ants1689 Words   |  7 Pagesvideo). The most important aspect of this course is, of course, the formal written essay assignments, in which you will respond to and analyze the sources, developing your writing through a process of writing, instructional and peer review, and personal revision. As revision is one of the key aspects of writing well (and central to this course and its goals), this course will stress the importance of revising your writing into refined formal essays--with me (the instructor) as well as with peersRead MoreLiterature Review on Sport Participation and After School Drop Out1475 Words   |  6 Pages1 The affects on sport participation with rega rds to the absence of education Coalter et al. (1994) illustrated that those who stayed in education after the minimal school leaving age had higher rates of sports participation than the school leavers. This statement inspired the author of this review to research, and essentially ascertain what implications and constraints occur in an adolescent and adult environment when considering participating in sport. 1.1 Benefits attained by society viaRead MoreClassification Of Employees On The Base Of Quality Of Work Life1472 Words   |  6 PagesQuality of Work Life The application of factor analysis by principle component method derived Eight factors of QWL, namely, Organizational Climate Culture, Work-Life Balance, Working Environment, Welfare Measures, Compensation of Employees, Participation in Decision-Making, Opportunity for Growth Development, and Social Relevance of Work. The perception of Employees over these 8 factors is classified into heterogeneous groups through k-means Cluster analysis. The results of Cluster analysis areRead MoreACCT Week6m Homework ES1738 Words   |  7 PagesInstructor Explanation: Chapter 7; See the definition of portfolio income in Section 7205 of the textbook.    Points Received: 5 of 5    Comments: Question  2. Question : (TCO F) When comparing corporate and individual taxation, the following statement is true:    Student Answer:   Unlike individual taxpayer, corporate may not have a long-term capital loss carryforward.      Both types of taxpayers have percentage limitations on the charitable contribution deduction, coupled with a carryover ofRead MoreHomework Es Week21455 Words   |  6 Pages1. Question: (TCOs 1, 2, and 3) Ted is the sole shareholder of a C corporation, and Sue owns a sole proprietorship. Both businesses were started in 2010, and each business sustained a $5,000 net capital loss for the year. Which of the following statements is correct? Your Answer: Ted’s corporation can deduct the $5,000 capital loss in 2010. Ted’s corporation can deduct $3,000 of the capital loss in 2010. Sue can carry the capital loss back three yearsRead MoreThe Attachment Styles Of Infants1312 Words   |  6 Pagesattachment (Type A) and anxious- ambivalent insecure attachment (Type C). Adults with Type B attachment secure relationship was characterised by intimate, comfort in being emotionally close, trust and also self-disclosure. Meanwhile, relationship of Type A attachment people were described as superficial, cold and aloof. They were also reluctant to have a long-term commitment to relationship. Relationship of adults with Type C attachment was identified by coupled self-doubt, jealousy, and fear ofRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Meeting in Management Level969 Words   |  4 Pagesassign the name of the person to the subject they are bringing to the meeting and how much time they are going to need. Starting promptly and finishing on time will give meetings an enhanced sense of efficiency. Based on literature review done, participation is very important. The chairman should get the members to voice out their opinion so the decision made has been look in every angel. Monitoring and governance is part of effective decision making in meeting (Finkelstein, Whitehead, Campbell

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Technologizing War and Peace

Question: Describe about the Report on Technologizing War and Peace? Answer: Introduction and need for peace Peace is a safety state of human life and it is the freedom from the disturbance[1]. Peace is the opposite of violence. People need peace for protecting the human rights and environment. Peace is worthy for securing a meaningful international integration. The study analyses the reason for not having too much peace in the world. The study also analyses the negative effect of not having peace and positive affect of having peace in the world. Reason for not enough There are various reasons for not having peace in the world. People are going to be so much greedy about their power and position. They usually do a high level of corruption for getting a high level of position and power that destroys the power of peace [2]. People of the world do not like to maintain a good relationship with their neighbor. Unequal distribution of resources among different world makes them let war amongst them. Effect of not having enough It has been found that the mortality rate of the world has been increased for not having peace in the world. Due to war happens in the world most of the countries face economic loss. People face psychological trauma due to lack of peace in the community. It may also create political and cultural bias. Positive effect of having enough Having enough peace leads to low level of corruption among the people. The political instability in the world can be minimized through having enough peace. The conflict among the people would be would be less, and that would, in turn, lead to well functioning of the government. A sound business environment would be possible as there would be an equal distribution of resources among the countries through having peace. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that peace is a period where there is no war. It is the safety state of human life. High level of corruption and unequal distribution of resources are the reason for not having peace in the world. Lack of peace leads to increase in the mortality and morbidity. However, having enough peace may lead to political stability and well functioning of government. Reference list Ang, J, "Technologizing War and Peace". in Peace Review, 27, 2015, 469-476. McFarland, S, "Culture, individual differences, and support for human rights: A general review.". in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21, 2015, 10-27. [1] J Ang, "Technologizing War and Peace", in Peace Review, vol. 27, 2015, 469-476. [2] S McFarland, "Culture, individual differences, and support for human rights: A general review.", in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, vol. 21, 2015, 10-27.